There is nothing more beautiful than your children singing along to this in the car.
07 April 2010
06 April 2010
Random Marchness :)
Here is what we did in March 2010 :)

07 March 2010
The Best Part of Waking up...
I have to say, in spite of all frustrations in life, there are many reasons to wake. On the surface we all have reasons, for lack of a better expression. You the reasons of going to work, enjoying what life has to offer in way of good times, and memories. I had a thought the other day, and don't ask why because it's somewhat morbid, what if something happened to my children. Something of the sort that separated them from me indefinitely? Now, as depressing as this seems, I am not a depressed person at all, just with the weight of college off my back and being able to actually enjoy the everyday "uggs," I have had time to reflect. (And just in time if you ask me)
So. My thought was this. And I'm sure every mother will agree... Imagine never hearing your children laugh at something completely ridiculous, fight over something they forgot they were fighting over, or constantly asking and asking...and asking... The thought of never hearing those things quickly made me realize how the best part of my days are those very moments. The very times when you think all is about to explode due to tension, stress, being cooped up due to the crazy weather...turn out to be the things would miss the most if, God forbid, they were taken away.
This is a good thought, a good question to ask ones self. And one of the reasons why I love these next photos. All the AAAHHHs, OMGoshes, and WHAT WERE YOU THINKINGs make each and every day worth taking note and blessing.

25 February 2010
Snow Day
Texas is so crazy! I remember snow once...maybe twice while growing up. (all in Texas) However my kiddos have experienced it four or five times...and they are only nine and four! Anyway, shocked at yet ANOTHER snow day in Huntsville, Texas, I figured I should post a few pics on how excited, ipcited for Abel, they get.
PS. I LOVE the snow/dirt/leaf/pine balls...and the four ball snowman...too cute :)
19 February 2010
Walking Sticks Part II
This is the story of my life..."If it doesn't keep my attention, I probably won't finish it."
This is what I imagine my kiddos thinking beginning, midway, and ending our walking stick "decorating session." And I honestly can't blame them. It was really cold, and not as cool as making your beads, then braiding thread to hang them on, and finding scrap fabric strips to wrap part of the stick... Yes, the idea was cute and doable, and I'm sure grandiose in Abel's mind...but none of us delivered.
However let down and depressing this all sounds, it's quite the opposite. I never have been a mother to push my ideas and creativity on my kiddos, they embody that wonderful quality on their own. So, sure, I should remind them to follow through, but like I said... "keep my attention."
In Lew of all said, we took a walk. BrookeLyne with her stick, and me with Abel's. Yes, again, I get Abel's stick. I was told he didn't want to have to "carry" which I replied, it's a WALKING stick, you carry it WHEN YOU WALK. (The logical emphasis chased him down, but he outran it) We all enjoyed our walk, our sticks, and the talk. What could be more fun than that? :)

This is what I imagine my kiddos thinking beginning, midway, and ending our walking stick "decorating session." And I honestly can't blame them. It was really cold, and not as cool as making your beads, then braiding thread to hang them on, and finding scrap fabric strips to wrap part of the stick... Yes, the idea was cute and doable, and I'm sure grandiose in Abel's mind...but none of us delivered.
However let down and depressing this all sounds, it's quite the opposite. I never have been a mother to push my ideas and creativity on my kiddos, they embody that wonderful quality on their own. So, sure, I should remind them to follow through, but like I said... "keep my attention."
In Lew of all said, we took a walk. BrookeLyne with her stick, and me with Abel's. Yes, again, I get Abel's stick. I was told he didn't want to have to "carry" which I replied, it's a WALKING stick, you carry it WHEN YOU WALK. (The logical emphasis chased him down, but he outran it) We all enjoyed our walk, our sticks, and the talk. What could be more fun than that? :)
05 February 2010
Walking Sticks Part I
Today the kids and I started our camping trip. Now, there are a few goofy things about our camping trips. One, I always always forget something. Okay, quite a few things..but we've all learned to deal with that ;) Two, though I'm capable, "I" do not like to put up the tent. I do not like to help put up the tent. In fact, I really only want to sleep in it. There is absolutely no "escape/serene/comfy..." connection between me and this shield from the night elements. (And we're both okay with that)
However, in our preparation for this Super Bowl Weekend Camping trip, I put up the dern thing with the hilarious, yes, HILARIOUS help of my children. I wish I could have photographed this event as it was epic. Not only was it 8:00 am, 40ish degrees, and muddy, it was a complete circus! That story is to come in the future. (I also wish I had recorded some, no ALL of the conversations going on during this circus) There wouldn't be a dry seat in the house if you know what I mean ;)
So, for now, we have part one of "walking sticks."

Part one because they are not finished and haven't served their purpose yet. Tomorrow we venture with our lovely sticks. However. I am writing tonight because walking sticks was Abel's idea. He saw them being used on one of his favorite cartoons, and asked if he could make one. One thing led to another and to Aunt Beth's house, and here we were, Friday day, making sticks. BrookeLyne had no idea what we had seen, not to mention what Abel had in mind for his stick, but she went along.

We settled, began construction, and...wait. Where is Abel and why am "I" making his stick??
Yep, Abel left us. While taking my pictures, he had skipped town. I asked who was going to make his stick if he didn't...I mean, aren't we going to take a walk with jingly walking sticks?? "Silly mom, your going to make it!"

So, I finished his stick,

BrookeLyne was still wondering why we of all people needed sticks to help us walk, and then we all decided to pick this idea up tomorrow. hmm...
However, in our preparation for this Super Bowl Weekend Camping trip, I put up the dern thing with the hilarious, yes, HILARIOUS help of my children. I wish I could have photographed this event as it was epic. Not only was it 8:00 am, 40ish degrees, and muddy, it was a complete circus! That story is to come in the future. (I also wish I had recorded some, no ALL of the conversations going on during this circus) There wouldn't be a dry seat in the house if you know what I mean ;)
So, for now, we have part one of "walking sticks."
Part one because they are not finished and haven't served their purpose yet. Tomorrow we venture with our lovely sticks. However. I am writing tonight because walking sticks was Abel's idea. He saw them being used on one of his favorite cartoons, and asked if he could make one. One thing led to another and to Aunt Beth's house, and here we were, Friday day, making sticks. BrookeLyne had no idea what we had seen, not to mention what Abel had in mind for his stick, but she went along.
We settled, began construction, and...wait. Where is Abel and why am "I" making his stick??
Yep, Abel left us. While taking my pictures, he had skipped town. I asked who was going to make his stick if he didn't...I mean, aren't we going to take a walk with jingly walking sticks?? "Silly mom, your going to make it!"
So, I finished his stick,
BrookeLyne was still wondering why we of all people needed sticks to help us walk, and then we all decided to pick this idea up tomorrow. hmm...
18 January 2010
These boots were made for...
Well, I didn't really think I was going to be much of a blogger, and probably won't compared to some of the awesome women I "follow," but telling a story with a muse a little easier to me. What is YOUR muse you ask...why photographs of course ;)

...some cool spotted leaves...
Today, the younguns and I put on our boots...
...and took a little trip. Our journey was suppose to uncover one-of-a-kind sticks we could capture, peel, sand, stain, and jinglefy...but it did not. We wanted to find really cool walking sticks from our own piece of woods, but, esta no bueno :( Maybe it would result in a cool arrow head from our didn't.
Despite our unsuccessful walking stick venture, our woods proved to be a nice way to spend the day.
We discovered: there was a great many 'fungus among us' :)
...our creek was useful for more than just finding petrified wood or arrowheads...
and that Abel thinks he is Mr. Tree Expert. "This one is named Abel's Climbing Tree Mom...really"
Although he spent all of spent five seconds looking in the creek with us... (He said this was "just for me and extra special," )
...most of his time was spent scouring the woods for the perfect tree...that's my boy!
He also discovered a way to balance on a branch without falling...walk on one that had fallen on the ground...
A nice big PLOP wrapped up our journey.

A nice big PLOP wrapped up our journey.
And there I was, snapping it all into a permanent memory. I swear sometimes I remember in pictures. It's kinda hard to know which came first, the thinking in pictures therefore wanting to capture those moments the way I like to remember, or the constant taking pictures and then beginning to see every occasion as "that would be a good pic," or "flash, snap, click...say cheese?" More than likely it's both, and I like it.
15 January 2010
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