Today, the younguns and I put on our boots...
...and took a little trip. Our journey was suppose to uncover one-of-a-kind sticks we could capture, peel, sand, stain, and jinglefy...but it did not. We wanted to find really cool walking sticks from our own piece of woods, but, esta no bueno :( Maybe it would result in a cool arrow head from our didn't.
Despite our unsuccessful walking stick venture, our woods proved to be a nice way to spend the day.
We discovered: there was a great many 'fungus among us' :)
...our creek was useful for more than just finding petrified wood or arrowheads...
and that Abel thinks he is Mr. Tree Expert. "This one is named Abel's Climbing Tree Mom...really"
Although he spent all of spent five seconds looking in the creek with us... (He said this was "just for me and extra special," )
...most of his time was spent scouring the woods for the perfect tree...that's my boy!
He also discovered a way to balance on a branch without falling...walk on one that had fallen on the ground...
A nice big PLOP wrapped up our journey.

A nice big PLOP wrapped up our journey.
And there I was, snapping it all into a permanent memory. I swear sometimes I remember in pictures. It's kinda hard to know which came first, the thinking in pictures therefore wanting to capture those moments the way I like to remember, or the constant taking pictures and then beginning to see every occasion as "that would be a good pic," or "flash, snap, click...say cheese?" More than likely it's both, and I like it.