I have to say, in spite of all frustrations in life, there are many reasons to wake. On the surface we all have our...security reasons, for lack of a better expression. You the reasons of going to work, enjoying what life has to offer in way of good times, and memories. I had a thought the other day, and don't ask why because it's somewhat morbid, what if something happened to my children. Something of the sort that separated them from me indefinitely? Now, as depressing as this seems, I am not a depressed person at all, just with the weight of college off my back and being able to actually enjoy the everyday "uggs," I have had time to reflect. (And just in time if you ask me)
So. My thought was this. And I'm sure every mother will agree... Imagine never hearing your children laugh at something completely ridiculous, fight over something they forgot they were fighting over, or constantly asking and asking...and asking... The thought of never hearing those things quickly made me realize how the best part of my days are those very moments. The very times when you think all is about to explode due to tension, stress, being cooped up due to the crazy weather...turn out to be the things would miss the most if, God forbid, they were taken away.
This is a good thought, a good question to ask ones self. And one of the reasons why I love these next photos. All the AAAHHHs, OMGoshes, and WHAT WERE YOU THINKINGs make each and every day worth taking note and blessing.